Thursday, March 22, 2012

October 9th, 2010

Baby, I love you so much
wanting to feel your warm soft gentle touch
let me count the ways
you have touched my heart
never wanting us to be apart

Caring for you more then
you will ever know
wanting our love to always grow

needing you in my arms
to hold you tight
and keep you warm

staring deep in your eyes
getting lost in your eyes
our hearts our souls
becoming as one

loving you more
than anyone can
giving you my heart
never wanting to be apart
loving you with all my soul
and all my heart

babybear I will
always be there
to love you to comfort you
just to hold you and
keep you warm at night

Baby I love you
more than you know
our love is such
a strong bond
that few people get to know


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